Weird, Wild, and Wonderful

Weird, Wild, and Wonderful

Grades 1–5

60 Dazzling Books that Deliver Standards-Based Life Science Content


Explore Weird, Wild, and Wonderful for Your Grades 1–5 Classroom!

The 60 Weird, Wild, and Wonderful Student Books cover essential Reading and Science objectives in the same lesson, empowering students to develop an understanding of core Life Science ideas, as recommended by the Next Generation Science Standards.

Capture students’ interest and keep them focused on reading with beautifully designed books, full of state-of-the-art photography.

Individual Lesson Plans accompany each Student Book and cover standards-based Life Science and explicit Literacy instruction of Nonfiction text elements. Blackline Master accompanies each Lesson Plan.

Weird, Wild, and Wonderful Samples

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Marine Creatures

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