back-to-school literacy instruction

It’s Back-to-School Time Already

Strengthen Your Teaching: Combine Phonics and Content Knowledge for a Successful Start

At Sundance Newbridge, we know how challenging it is to start the year off right with back-to-school Literacy instruction. You’re figuring out how to organize your classroom, model good behaviors for your students, and assess where each student is on their path to successful reading.

Overcoming Classroom Challenges

How can I teach skills and strategies while building content knowledge at the same time? How do I deliver equitable instruction for each student?

For several years, it seems that the teaching of foundational skills (Phonics!) and comprehension strategies and content knowledge have been completely disconnected from one another. At least in theory. Not so much in the classroom, right?

Finding the Balance: Skills and Strategies

As with so many things in life, it’s often the middle ground that wins out. It turns out that most readers are successful because they are both skillful and strategic. They use their learned foundational skills to decode, and they learn and build meaning and vocabulary by applying strategies to a content area.

Classroom Solutions for Effective Literacy Instruction

We take pride in creating solutions that are easily used in the classroom—and that support your daily teaching with realistic and effective back-to-school Literacy instruction.

As you begin this new school year, we invite you to browse our Decoder Kids suite of Phonics and Content Building solutions.

Help us support your efforts by completing our short survey about your curriculum needs.

Back-to-School Literacy Instruction

As a token of our appreciation, you will receive a complimentary Graphic Organizer PDF (36 Blackline Masters for Reading, Writing, and Vocabulary), a Decoder Kids Games & Activities PDF, and a Decoder Kids PLUS print sampler.

Let us help you navigate the complexities of Today’s Reading Instruction… Follow us to learn more about our products, download Literacy solutions, and to stay connected.


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